
Friday 4 February 2011

Pole Dancing

Pole Blind Date

OK..I'm finding it hard to type after my first pole dancing lesson.

I had a private lesson with Venus Studios in Nottingham..& when the girls on the website said they were addicted I now know why.

You leave the studio wanting more & to practice the new moves you've learnt.You find you have strength that you didn't know you had.

I learnt about 4beginners moves & shocked I picked them up(need much practice).I went to a private lesson with two other girls I had never met before..hence the reason I called it a pole blind date.

The teacher was lovely & very encouraging.Also the girls at the class or very enthusiastic & focused.I would recommend pole dancing to everyone.You don't have to have any experience or be flexible...
I cant wait till my next lesson I need to learn the side way spin(if that's what you call it lol).

I know in the morning i'm not going to be able to move.My arm really hurts & inside of my arm is red(the signs of a good work out)

I need to buy a pole to practice at home!!

Pole dancing,ballet fit,yoga & Pilate's I'm sure I will reach my long desired goal to get into the splits!!!The photo isnt me lol..however I learnt this move today its called the crucifix

Just another day in the life of Charley Hepburn

Thursday 27 January 2011

Yoga Ken Martin Leisure Centre

Stretch me.....

I've always wanted to join a Yoga class & today I did it...Yay!!!
I really enjoyed..come to think I loved it.

With a mixture of abilities and ages I felt at ease as I was a yoga virgin.

I love meditation,relaxing & couldn't ask for a better exercise.
I'm still on a mission to stretch into the splits and become more flexible.
I really think I'm going to reach my goal!!!

I attended the Ken Martin Leisure Centre Yoga class & the teacher was fab!!It was a small class & very focused.When I left the class I felt very relaxed & loved the unwinding part of the class.

I learnt a fab way to relax when I get stressed. At the end of the class I sat crossed legged and the teacher said "imagine your in a room & theres a book case full of books.Each shelf contains things you want to do,daily stresses,child hood etc etc.Then she said picture a table in the room and on the table is an open book with today's stresses in.Close the book & walk away from the room then your in a corridor & at the end theres a door with your name on it.Open the door & walk into the room theres a fire and a chair.Sit down on the chair and watch the flames.Walk out of this room & enter into your real life"

I was so focused,my breathing calmed & I was relaxed like never before.Going to use this technique when I feel stressed.I loved the part with the bookshelf as I put all my stresses and things to do in order on the shelf...Sounds simple but if your focused this will send you into a deep meditated state of mind to put stresses and problems into order.

I start to feel really stressed and depressed in the evening going to the evening Yoga class really up lifted my mood...

All I can say is I'm stretched out,chilled and ready for bed...(i know my joints will hurt in the pain no game)

Just another day in the life of Charley Hepburn xx